Welcome to the Christian Drama Service!
I hope that you find something of interest and/or use in these pages.
All the sketches, monologues and poems are free to use but are subject to common copyright. Please quote me as their author.
They were written within a British context but are, I hope, sufficiently generic in content that they can be performed elsewhere.
Thank you and God bless,
Gail Featherstone
Two rather posh sounding 'airmen' (actually angels) are on a night shift when a (modern-day) version of the nativity takes place in front of them.
Two 'airmen' (actually angels) are on duty when a (modern-day) version of the nativity takes place in front of them.This skit is written in the style of the 'Armstrong and Miller' airmen sketches, using 'street vocabulary' with posh accents...
Titanic Script about life and death. A young couple plan for a new life together without knowing how short life can be.
An alien lands in England on Christmas day and tries to work out why the family at 10 Cypress Gardens is having a celebratory meal.
Any resemblance to a well-known UK TV series based around an aristocratic family living in an abbey in the north of England in the early part of the 20th century is entirely deliberate...This sketch imagines what might have happened if Christ had been born nearby.
A script based on 2 Corinthians 9 vv. 6 - 15 which may be suitable for Harvest festival or a 'Pledge' service.
Grace symbolises all of us in the developed world: spoilt, ungrateful and selfish.
'...I don't think there's anything wrong with doubts...'
3 modern-day contexts for the 'Preacher's' asserion that all is meaningless...
This Christmas sketch was added in the year that one English language dictionary listed the term 'Fake news' for the first time.
Two men from the same church but in very different financial situations meet outside a supermarket...A contemporary context for the message of this passage - that 'faith without deeds is dead.' (verse 26)
Mrs Everyone gets her priorities wrong and finally runs out of time. A modern take on the story of how the Israelites bowed down to a golden calf (Exodus 32 vv.1 - 35)
A young woman falls for a modern-day equivalent of the golden calf and abandons everything of true worth in her life.
Two colleagues discuss the true meaning of Christmas. Meanwhile, Mary and Joseph make their way to Bethlehem...
I have tried to dramatise this passage, which describes one of Jesus' healing miracles, in a modern idiom and from the imagined perspective of two onlookers.
An attempt to retell the story of Jonah within a modern context - that of a radio programme which attempts to probe the motivation of various 'celebrities'.
A sequel to the first sketch, following the story of Jonah to the end and uncovering how he really felt about the Ninevites he was sent to save...
I have tried to imagine how Mary – a young, unmarried village girl - would really have felt about becoming the mother of Jesus.
Taken from Matthew 9 vv. 1 - 8
A possible framework for a nativity play suitable for church or school.
A poem...
The nature of parental - and therefore God the Father's - love
The story of the first Passover in Egypt, when all first-born sons were in mortal danger, seen from the perspective of a modern first-born son...
A personal 'take' on an old story... (This sketch was written just before a Presidential election in the USA - hence the American accents).
The events of the Nativity seen through the eyes of a fictional - overworked - barman at the inn.
I tried very hard to get into the mind of Tamar and, since the story touches on incest and rape, it should not be treated lightly. When we performed it at St Nic's the actress sat behind a screen which was back-lit to create the effect you see on news bulletins where a victim or witness of a crime wants to remain anonymous.
A 'Christian' take on a popular TV talent show with one or two familiar characters...
With a deliberate nod to a well-known UK TV comedy series, this sketch is a very light-hearted attempt to illustrate John 1 verse 5: 'The light shines in the darkness but the darkness has not understood it'.
A tongue-in-cheek survey of church-goers and the motivation behind their attendance...